Sunday, September 20, 2009


Good Evening!

Andres and I (Rich) will answer the following questions below:

How will your e-Portfolio demonstrate your interdisciplinarity?
What is the audience / purpose you're thinking of using?
How would you envision your e-Portfolio looking like? What would you like to stand out?
What things are you thinking could be used as evidence?


How will your e-Portfolio demonstrate your interdisciplinarity?

- My e-portfolio encases all the activities I did throughout my semester enrolled in the cornerstone program at my university. Among the elements that compose my portfolio are a list of ideas that aid in my understanding of the IDS program. Comprehensive tools that aid me in my researching and inquisitorial necessities also make up the content in my electronic showcase. This all goes to represent the way that I've grown as an individual in my process as a student in the IDS program.

What is the audience / purpose you're thinking of using?

- My audience is future employers and those who have an interest in what I do. For the time being however it will have to be currently enrolled cornerstone students.

How would you envision your e-Portfolio looking like? What would you like to stand out?

- I envision my e-portfolio being as professional as possible. That being said I would like my individualism and my creativity to shine through as it is that from these, I will form my career.

What things are you thinking could be used as evidence?

- The design of my PowerPoint slides, the content of my entries, the expressionism in my choice of words. All these things will serve to ultimately showcase my e-portfolio as a strong supplement to my future resumes and professional repertoire.

- Andres Felipe Gil


How will your e-Portfolio demonstrate your interdisciplinarity?

My e-Portfolio will demonstrate my interdisciplinarity because it will contain a plethora of artifacts that relate to my different areas of study. The portfolio also contains creative peaces that I have made, such as: my thoughts on articles, essays, and Power Point presentations.

What is the audience / purpose you're thinking of using?

The audiences are a future employer, or a graduate school admissions department (its purpose is to showcase some of my best collegiate accomplishments.

How would you envision your e-Portfolio looking like? What would you like to stand out?

I envision it to look ORGANIZED and easy for my audience to navigate! I also want it to look professional, yet somewhat eye catching. I would use some blue colors (if that were an option), and also make my most precious artifacts visible by using large and/ or bold fonts.

What things are you thinking could be used as evidence?

For evidence, I would showcase a couple of essays that I am proud of, a PowerPoint presentation, and maybe some photos to make the whole thing a bit more interesting.

-Rich Chiarantona


  1. Hey Andres!
    For the how your e-portfolio demonstrates your interdisiplinarity, do you mean that you have put in every document that you have done throughout college that represents your major or did you only put the best of your works?
    Also i know that you said that you have power point slides in your portfolio, that sounds really cool how many presentations do you have on your e-portfolio?
    -Ivette :)

  2. How will your e-Portfolio demonstrate your interdisciplinary?
    My e-Portfolio will demonstrate my interdisciplinary because it will explain my different areas of study during my studies at UCF.

    What is the audience / purpose you're thinking of using?
    The audience I am planning to use will be further employers.

    How would you envision your e-Portfolio looking like? What would you like to stand out?
    I envision my e-Portfolio to act as an online resume. I would like all my past internships and college involvement to stand out the most.

    What things are you thinking could be used as evidence?
    In addition to listing all my accomplishments, I would like to attach some sample letters of recommendation for future employers to see.

  3. Jordan Claire:

    How will your e-Portfolio demonstrate your interdisciplinarity?

    My e-portfolio will demonstrate my interdisciplinary by showing how versatile I can be and my skills of being able to multitask. It also shows how interested I can be in subjects I like.

    What is the audience / purpose you're thinking of using?

    The purpose of my e-portfolio is to give a detailed outline of my personal skills and learning experiences to my future employers.

    How would you envision your e-Portfolio looking like? What would you like to stand out?

    I envision my e-portfolio to look as professional as possible and make the view as simple as possible for my future employers to look at. I would like my name to stand out and my most important skills.

    What things are you thinking could be used as evidence?

    My resume would be intertwined in a way that would be helpful to understand who I am and what skills I contain.

  4. Hi Ivette!

    Thank you for your reply! To address your question I am very selective of what I choose to display in my portfolio, call it my "sunday best" of content. While I do have some rough-around-the-edges submissions, I make sure that there is a purpose and a reason for me not going back and buffing out the jags.
    I talk about my powerpoints because they allowed me to be the most creative out of all my submitted works. Color scheme, flow, attached images, presentation... It felt out of the ordinary and allowed me to become more involved with my presentation. So far I have 3 ppts. :D

    Marlee, I like your decision to provide recommendation letters. This is something I will take into account for my own e-portfolio! Thanks!

    Jordan, you and I are quite alike. We want to put our best foot forward!

    I think its great you're all seeing the usefulness in the e-portfolio! It'll give you all an advantage when interacting with future employers when they get a better sense of you.

  5. Professional Statement:
    Who I am today:

    Hey my name is Jordan Scot Claire, I am from Boca Raton, FL. My professional objective is work for an Advertising or Marketing Company which is going to include my research and creative skills. I have a high school diploma and I am going for a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with my two areas being Behavioral Social Sciences and Communications with a minor in Marketing

    What I do as of today:

    Today, I currently work for Overdrive Direct Marketing which is a Marketing Company that specializes in automotive advertising such as direct mail and staffed events. There are different aspects of the company and the department I work in is telemarketing which sounds a little boring and dull but it is actually a great experience because I work with existing clients and it’s not your typical cold calling business.

    Professional Membership:

    I have done telemarketing before with U.S. Metal Buildings and that was a way more tedious experience because it was straight on cold calling. It was my first experience that required phone sales but it helped me pick up the business and become a better salesperson.

    Professional Goals:

    In the future, I would like to own an Advertising company using online advertising. I would like to accomplish working for a variety of similar companies before I use my creativity and start my own company. Basically, I want to learn everything about what an advertising/marketing company does before I set in stone what my business type would be like.

  6. I like the idea about attaching letters of recommendation. These days, employers aren’t looking for recommendation letters with a resume, so it’s nice to be able to capitalize on the opportunity!

    Where would you put the letters with in the e-portfolio?

  7. Yes that is definitley a great idea! Would you be sending letters of recommendation from you past employers or from your past professors?

  8. How will your e-Portfolio demonstrate your interdisciplinarity?

    It will showcase a wider range of studies, therefore showing a wide breadth of knowledge and diverse experiences.

    What is the audience / purpose you're thinking of using?

    I'm thinking of potential employers/grad schools.

    How would you envision your e-Portfolio looking like? What would you like to stand out?

    I would like to see it looking visually appealing and innovative. Not so much monochromatic and lifeless as vibrant and energetic.

    What things are you thinking could be used as evidence?

    My resume as a compendium of skills I possess.
