Sunday, September 13, 2009

Who Am I?

Again, my name is Rich. I have been going to UCF for 5 years, and I will graduate in the Fall of this year!

Why has it taken me 5 years to complete my degree? I worked 40-50 hours a week, supervising a major call center ( shut down most of its offices, including Orlando).
What are my areas and minor? At one time, I was a Cinema Studies Major, and that is now my minor. My areas are: Communications and Behavioral/ Social Science.
I chose Interdisciplinary Studies because it has given me flexibility with what I have been studying (ADVANTAGE). *With IDS, you can take three different disciplines, and find relationships among them, making your studies relevant to a future career.

A disadvantage is the stigma about IDS and its credibility. Some people think IDS is the ‘easy’ degree, and believe it is less important to employers. That is why it is important to know what it is, why it is advantageous to employment and life, and how to explain it all to whom ever.

Rich Chiarantona


  1. Who are you?
    My name is Chelsea Tanner. This is my second semester at UCF.

    What are your areas / minors?
    My two major areas of study are communications and language and literature, and a minor in marketing.

    What year are you?
    I am currently a junior.

    How do you explain IDS to others?
    The way that I usually explain IDS to others is the student basically decides on three areas of study that they are interested in. From there they learn and study about all the three chosen topics and their relatioships, versus a student chosing one major and learning just about on area of study.

    What are the advantages/disadvantages of an interdisciplinary education?
    The understanding and knowledge that comes from learning about three different areas of study and the relatioships among them is an advantage.
    Although I am only in my second semester of IDS, there are not many disadvantages that I have personally come across, other than what other students have mentioned. The phrase that I have heard that most from other people is, "Basically, this is just furthering your general studies degree," which I couldn't agree with at all. Rich said it best when he wrote that it's important to know what the major is and how to explain it to whomever.

  2. Who am I?
    - My name is Ivette Thomas and this is my first semester at UCF

    Areas and Minor:
    -My 2 areas are Art and Psychology and a minor in Mass Communication

    What year?:
    I am a junior

    How do I explain IDS to others?
    -I explain it as just hoe it sounds. It is a major full of different disciplines and areas. It gives students the oppurtunity to learn a variety of different studies while displaying their different talents.

    What are the disadvantages/ advantages of interdisciplinary studies?
    - I think that this major has a lot of advantages. We are able to have a broad outlook on different professions and understand what a lot of companies need. It is always exciting to learn different things and gives us an open mind to all areas of life and education.

  3. Who am I?
    Hey my name is Jordan Claire, I am a 21 year old senior and will be graduating over summer 2010. I currently work for a marketing company called Overdrive Direct Marketing.

    Areas and Minor:
    My two areas are Communications and Behavioral Social Sciences. My minor is Marketing. I chose an interdisciplinary studies degree because I felt like focusing on one more subject is beneficial to my future career in advertising and marketing.

    What year?
    I am a 4th year senior and will be graduating in Summer 2010. My original major was General Business and Finance. I decided to change my major by spring 2009 because I wanted to focus on more than subject and have a more diverse learning experience.
    Explain IDS to others:
    I tell people that IDS is a unique degree which requires you to have two main focuses and a required minor. It is a very exciting degree because you can learn about three different subjects instead of just the same one.
    Advantages/Disadvantages IDS Education:
    The advantages of an interdisciplinary education are that it is very helpful to your learning because you will end up knowing more about various subjects and the classes aren’t as intense as previous finance classes I was taking. The disadvantages are that future employers may think I took an easy way out of college if they assume it’s similar to a liberal arts degree. It may not be better to focus on more than one area of study because then you won’t as easily become an expert in a certain area. It could show a lack in the trait that you can’t finish a task at hand.

  4. Who am I?
    My name is Marlee Popluder and I am a senior at UCF. This year I am the Supervisor of Student Government Elections.

    Areas and Minor?
    My areas of study are Communications, Behavioral Sciences, and I am minoring in Marketing.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of IDS.
    The advantages to the IDS degree are that it offers a wide range of study in many different areas. The disadvantages are that employers may not think you are trained enough in one particular area.

  5. Who are you?

    My name is Stephanie Huber.

    What are your areas / minors?

    I'm minoring in Digital Media, Mass Communication, and Marketing.

    What year are you?

    I am a Senior.

    How do you explain IDS to others?

    Advertising without the major.

    What are the advantages/disadvantages of an interdisciplinary education?

    The advantages are that it offers a broader area of study than just a single major. It also allows for more creative thinking and analysis. Disadvantages are that most people don't take you seriously.
