Sunday, November 15, 2009

R E F L E C T I O N .


Using reflection in the e-Portfolio is important because it is another opportunity for us to speak about what we learned in life, and why that is relative and important to our future.

Our understanding of reflection: when we take time to examine what have done in the past (college experience...). Andres and I have talked about the difference between this and description because the latter is less personal and carries less weight.

Mentees: If you were to reflect on this blogging experience, what positive positive things would you say? How could it have been better..or worse..? What advise could you lend to your posterity (the future mentees)?

Your Capstone Mentors,
Rich and Andres


  1. I think the blog was definetly helpful in a lot of ways. I learned from the mentors about the proper way to conduct a resume and what kind of jobs are helpful for our major. E-portfolio has been a whole new world for me and the blog helped me understand a lot about the reasons we have it and why it is so important.

  2. Some advice for the future mentees is to really get engaged in the conversations and ask a lot of questions. If you don't know something you have to speak up and find out. It is important to take in all of the information your mentors give you and discuss with them what problems and accomplishments they went through through out IDS.

  3. I think that this blog was extremely helpful. It was nice to be able to talk, communicate, and ask questions to people who are a little bit further on in their career. The part that I found the most helpful was all of the examples that Rich and Andres gave with resumes and cover letters. Most of the responses that were posted gave valuable information that could really help further me in my career.

  4. Advice:

    Mentees... Ask your mentors all the questions you can... if there is anything you are confused about, don't understand, or even if you just need clarification. The information that they give you is valuable and has the potential to really help. Also, ask them about how they achieved all their goals, and what are some things that you shouldn't follow.

  5. The blog that I enojoyed the most was the one about making decisions and sticking with them. It was the one that we answered questions about if we had to save a person, which would we save first, and if there was a 400 lb man on board, would we toss him off. I liked it a lot because it really makes you understand the decisions that we make, and the things that we say we have to make up with logical and ethical reasons. It really opened my eyes.

  6. Reflections in my content pages are going to describe in my own view what I have done for the good in the past. They will make it easier for the person intended to read my e-portfolio to fully understand my personal qualities.
    Reflections differ from descriptions in that they are less detailed but are from a more honest standpoint. They show more personal traits about yourself that are unique and not going into so much detail as descriptions would. Jordan

  7. Jordan,
    I totally agree with you in that reflections are very deifferent from descriptions. This is especially true when writing a resume or in your e-portfolio. It is important that when talking to an employer, you have to use those "good" reflections of yourself and the benefits you can bring to the table.
    I liked that blog a lot too. It put things in perspective for me and showed me that my attitudes and behavior can sometimes be contradicting.
